Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Bus Full of Passionate People: A Tribute

(inspired and moved by the news article in, "A Bus Full of Dreamers")

The sad news broke my heart upon learning it. And I was moved to write and express my thoughts and condolences to the victims of the recent bus accident in Bontoc, Mountain Province.

Oh, I remember riding a Florida Bus going to an audit assignment in Isabela and we further spent a weekend in Sagada. That was in 2008! And I couldn’t believe a serious accident would be engaged by this bus.

14 were killed and 29 others were injured on the 7th of February 2014. That’s how life can be ended so easily.

I may not be directly related to the victims of this bus accident but I could feel the hunger and eagerness of these adventurous people to commune with the nature. These people are the majority of the passengers who were excited about their trip. They went up there to celebrate life, freedom and the joy of their passion. No one would ever want to experience this tragic event. But accidents do happen.

One of those unfortunate passengers who didn’t  survive was Tado Jimenez.  I only knew Tado as a local comedian, but I never knew that he has this passion for mountaineering.  The fatalities also include Debid Sicam who I may never encountered but based on the testimonies in the mountaineering community was one of the passionate people who left good memories.

These are only few people who seriously follow their passion to travel and wander. They are two of the rare courageous happy people.

And for the remaining victims of the bus, I knew for sure that they have their own purpose of passion and I believe, in their lifetime, they have contributed a lot and made a difference.

My condolences to the family of the victims. I also pray for the fast recovery of the injured ones. May each one receive due justice for this.

Realization: Life is short. Life is beautiful. Limit not yourself to love and treasure your loved ones.

*photo's origin not known, taken from internet/Facebook

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